From the ZrainMedia Hosting Site Control Panel, you’ll have real–time access to the hosting resources utilized by your sites in addition to the website traffic that is generated from your customers. The information is visualized in a straightforward visual interface, over a per–day, weekly and monthly basis. In addition, there’s information regarding our system like the physical IP address of the hosting server, the OS, the now applied variations of PHP and MySQL and many more.

Server Info

Examine the server’s Operating System, IP address, etc.

From the Online Stats Manager section of the Site Control Panel, you can get up–to–date information on the web server like the OS that is utilized or the actual IP address of your account. Also, you can get beneficial facts for your own web design undertakings including the current versions of PHP, MySQL and Perl, as well as the setup Perl modules. Mail server details like the sendmail path as well as the inbound and outgoing mailingl servers is also featured.

All the hosting server data is offered in an easily readable fashion so you can easily find the information that you require.

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Access & Error Listing

Get information regarding your websites’ effectiveness

Utilizing the info collected in the Access & Error Logs part of the Site Control Panel, you’ll be able to track down just about any possible troubles with the performance of your sites. The access logs will reveal all kinds of files like texts, photos and video clips that have been looked over from your site visitors as the error reports will capture just about any cautions and errors that have happened throughout their stay on your site.

It is easy to download the access and error report data files for each of your working websites from the Online Stats Manager area of your Site Control Panel.

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Web Traffic Reports

The easiest way to keep an eye on visitors’ volumes

When you manage an excellent web site, it’s imperative that you know a lot about site visitors – just how many unique visits your site draws, exactly how many website visitors go back to your website, which keywords and phrases visitors have used to come across your site, and so on. In the Online Stats Manager section of your Site Control Panel, you can get two web traffic statistics instruments – Webalizer and Awstats that will assist you to get all the info that you need.

The instruments call for no setup. Once your website is on the Internet, they’ll begin gathering info without any effort on your side.

Hepsia File Manager

CPU Stats

Keep track of your websites’ server load

The CPU statistics integrated as part of your Site Control Panel will offer you real–time data of the server load that is created in your account by your scripts, database inquiries, etcetera. Consequently, the more dynamic and complex your website is, the more hosting server assets it will need to be operating smoothly.

The CPU load data is brought to you in an easy–to–read method and gives you info about the hosting server load accumulated each day, per month or per year. This precise data will keep you updated on the server power usage at any second and can enable you to prevent your websites from going offline due to web server overload (exceeded CPU usage limits).

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