In the ZrainMedia Hosting Site Control Panel you can find a full featured, simple point and click Databases Manager! Utilize it in order to enjoy complete control over all of your databases. You’ll be able to conveniently create new MySQL and PgSQL databases and manage them via the phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin software programs, respectively.

Neat and Simple User interface

Handle all of your databases from a single place

The Databases Manager in our Site Control Panel incorporates a powerful but convenient interface. You are able to configure a new MySQL or PostgreSQL database by simply entering a user name and security password. In addition, you could make a backup file or modify the password of the database with simply a click of the mouse.

Through the Databases Manager you will possess immediate access to the management area for all of your databases, in order to make uncomplicated modifications if you happen to need to.

Hepsia File Manager

Easy and fast Database Back–up

Database backups are just a mouse click away

With the Databases Manager you’ll be able to create an archived duplicate of your database whenever you need! Therefore, you’ll always have a data backup of your operating content if your web site gets compromised or if you incorrectly erase a database. To produce a back–up: click on the ’clock’ image on the side of a given database and then just wait for a couple of seconds for the backup process to be completed.

There won’t be any restrictions about the quantity of databases you can back up or the volume of backups you may make for any database.

Hepsia File Manager

Support for PgSQL

Warranted protection for one’s databases

PgSQL databases are significantly less popular as opposed to the well–known MySQL databases. Having said that, they’re a favored choice for developers who seek the utmost safety for their web sites and applications. Due to the incredibly user–friendly Databases Manager integrated into the ZrainMedia Hosting Control Panel, you can administer all your PostgreSQL databases with merely a click of the mouse.

You’ll find PgSQL databases provided by default inside the advanced website hosting packages. If you are using a basic hosting package, you can easily ask for PgSQL databases to be added to your website hosting account as upgrades.

Hepsia File Manager

InnoDB Databases

The newest face of MySQL

With ZrainMedia Hosting, you will regularly find the most up–to–date version of MySQL as well as the default MySQL storage engine – InnoDB, set up.

InnoDB is far more dependable compared to the former storage engine’s version – MyISAM. It’s ACID–compliant and, most importantly – it has full transaction support. Additionally, it employs row–level locking, as an alternative to MyISAM’s table–level locking, that would always cause effectiveness troubles at peak usage periods.

Hepsia File Manager

Detailed Database Stats

Thorough stats for all your databases

From your complete database stats tool included in the Site Control Panel, you will be able to make a record of the load accumulated by your busy sites twenty–four hours a day. Every single overload issue with your websites could lower the loading rates and have a negative effect on the online experience of your respective visitors. Therefore, having information for the database load live, it will be straightforward to fix overload troubles in a timely manner.

The database stats user interface reveals details of the quantity of daily, hourly and monthly lookups, allowing you to examine how the load is allocated over various periods of time.

Hepsia File Manager